It's the week of thanksgiving and here I am, looking through literally thousands of smiling faces, and perfectly wonderful ugly cry faces, and beaming fathers, and sparkling rings, and opulent floral arrangements, jubilant dancers and of course beautiful, radiant couples in love. This job is pretty much perfect. Not only do I get to share in the joy and laughter and tears and beauty but I get to create ART while doing it! Does it get better than that? Not for this chick!
I am beyond grateful for all of the opportunities and trust that my clients have given me this year. And I'm so grateful to all the wonderful people in my life who've supported me on this dream-like journey so far. Specifically, my husband, Travis. The truth of the matter is that I wouldn't be doing any of this without his love and support. Honestly, I was always way to scared to take this kind of risk. But having a partner like my husband gave me the courage to do a 180 in my professional life and here I am! He took my hand, and pulled me forward. Go on, babe, take the plunge. Do what you love! He's been my rock and support throughout 7 years of marriage and he's nurtured the artist within :) Thank you, babe :)
All of these wonderful pieces came together for me this year and I have a few new accolades to show for it! Check out the images below that won a place in the prestigious Wedaward collections the past few months! Thank you honey for helping me reach this level, thank you to my couples and clients for trusting me, and thank you to you guys! For following me and cheering me on all the way! What a year!!!!