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  • Writer's picturerachel leintz

the fine art tropical shoot

As this is my Freshmen year with Arizona Weddings Magazine, I was pleasantly surprised when the editors ask me to shoot a second styled shoot for the 2018/2019 edition. The design was to be created by Tara, at the Confetti Studio, and the venue was Val Vista Lakes, in Gilbert.

The venue is so unique, as far as Arizona wedding venues go. There is literally a beach, with sand, and a beautiful, manicured walkway that leads up a rocky, palm tree lined trail, to a rotunda, overlooking the grounds. I was told that the theme was "fine art tropical." The inspiration for my vision centered around the gorgeous, graceful Nicole Kalani, our bridal model. Her porcelain skin, dark hair and light eyes reminded me of Claire, the heroine from Outlander.

The table top, finished pale tones of peach and mustard, and topped with real coconuts and golden candles made me think of her, washed ashore in Jamaica. A fair, ethereal character, surrounded by the lush (and some what harsh) elements of the tropics. The Calla Blanca L'Amour gown created a soft, dreamy backlit vision in the sunlight, slitting through the fronds of the palms. All in all, it was a pretty epic shoot! Hope you enjoy the resulting images as much as we did! (editorial team listed below)

Editorial Team:

EVENT PLANNER: The Confetti Studio

BRIDAL GOWN BOUTIQUE: Suzanne’s Bridal Boutique

GOWN DESIGNER: Calla Blanche

TABLETOP RENTALS: The Confetti Studio

OTHER: Ribbons, Tono & Co.

FEMALE MODEL: Nicole Kalani

MALE MODEL: Ryan Kirby

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